What is this website about?

This is where I post articles I’ve written, whether it be an idea I couldn’t pitch or I just thought it would fit better here. This website focuses on articles about video games and tech, however I’ll make a sporadic post that is about neither.

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About me

Who am I? I am a new journalist trying to carve their own way onto the internet, even if that means I’ll have to do it the hard way. Currently I do not have much experience with writing articles and as a result will self publish here, this website is mostly for reference of future employers. As for this website, I’d like it to be it’s own little thing in the future for me to post to as I please.

Now as for myself, I am a 20 year old male trying new things to see what sticks. I’ve always enjoyed writing but never really thought about trying my hand at journalism until now. So if you’d like to watch my journey through the industry, please revisit this site and check what else I’ve done. Even if you’re just a reader, thank you so much for the support.
